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Is Your Child Support as Ordered Too High for You to Pay?

A Fresh, Modern Approach to Law

Divorce is a process full of frustrations and interpersonal issues. You and your former spouse are probably struggling with the idea of co-parenting after a divorce. If you are paying child support during the divorce proceedings, you may become frustrated with the amount of support when compared to the amount of time you get to spend with your children. The temporary custody and support orders created when one party files for divorce often take into account only information provided by the filer. That means that the amount of child support (and potentially spousal support) may be too high for you.

While that is an incredibly frustrating situation, it is in your best interests to make every effort to pay the ordered amount of support in full and on time. Failing to pay your child support can result in the courts garnishing your wages or even seizing your tax return. If it continues for some time, the courts could even issue a warrant for your arrest due to your failure to pay the ordered support.

Don't risk your future and your chances at an equitable custody determination! You need to pay support on time each pay period and in the amount that the courts determined was appropriate.

An attorney can help modify your child support amount

If your income wasn't accurately represented in the temporary support order, your attorney can help. An attorney knows what financial assets can be considered income and what circumstances will convince a court to modify a support order. For example, the courts may allow parents who make more than $900 but less than $1,900 a month to receive low-income adjustments of the support order.

Working with an attorney who understands Colorado divorce, custody, child support and family law helps ensure that you can count on your attorney to provide you with accurate and helpful advice about support.

If you believe that your support level is too high and your attorney agrees after reviewing your financial information, your attorney can request a special hearing. The courts will review both documentation and testimony to see if lowering the amount of support makes sense. Your attorney can advocate on your behalf, increasing the potential for a positive outcome to the process.

Protect your finances and future with an experienced attorney

Your best chance of a positive outcome to your divorce and any child support hearings you request will come from retaining the services of an experienced attorney. Your attorney can guide you through the divorce, negotiating with your former spouse's attorney and advocating on your behalf to the courts. Particularly in cases where the divorce is contentious, your success relies on the quality of legal advice you receive. Don't risk losing custody and overpaying child support. Work with an experienced family law and divorce attorney throughout the entire divorce process to protect yourself and your future.
